Wellcome To Sri Lanka

AYUBOWAN !!!!!!!



When you think of a holiday in Sri Lanka, the first thing that comes to our mind is the gorgeous palm fringed beaches of Sri Lanka, the lush green tropical landscapes and the hospitality of the Sri Lankan people. The soft sound of waves lapping in to the beach, endless strips of white sandy beaches contrasting with deep blue waters must be what’s on your mind when you plan to travel to a beautiful tropical beach. Whether to set your spirit of adventure free or just to relax and enjoy the tranquil settings, Sri Lanka is the ideal holiday destination. Sri Lanka is endowed with so many beautiful beaches, many an idyllic setting with swaying palm trees bending over the white sand lapped by blue waves and coral reefs that are home to many types of tropical fish. As you travel along the western, eastern or southern coastline, around every bend you will come upon yet another inviting tropical vista, which testifies Sri Lanka, a tropical island as the best place to holiday.

Tea Estate
Tea Estates
Tropical Beach Sri Lanka
Tropical Beach Sri Lanka
Various spices
Various spices
Elephant Care
Elephant Care
Wild Life
Wild Life

Why go to Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka has absolutely everything” cited as the 2nd best place to visit in the world by National Geographic channel, Sri Lanka is the best place to have your dream holiday, whatever your requirement is Sri Lanka has it all.  Whether you prefer the west coast or the east coast, you’ll find extensive lush coconut palm-fringed tropical beaches for sun basking, tea or coconut plantations to canoe rides on a dugout canoe in a inland lake or a little cove, drive or trek through cool plains in the hills, lush tropical evergreen forests, ancient monuments, temples and fortresses, colourful festivals and mingle with the ever smiling friendly people of Sri Lanka welcoming you to their island paradise.

Sri Lanka, although a very well established tourist destination, remains largely unspoilt by outside influences and has retained its appeal. Due to its small size, a visit to Sri Lanka enables you to have many experiences in a limited time, go now and beat the crowds.

We at Best of Lanka adore Sri Lanka and have chosen to share with you the best and most attractive places of escape for your holiday and help you see the sights of your favourite places your way. We can offer all types of luxury 05 star properties but we always prefer to encourage travellers to explore the real Sri Lanka and hotels in true Livingston style, minus the rifle!

When to go to Sri Lanka?

December to March is considered the busiest season in the West coast, when the sea calms down but is more crowded, more expensive but will have the liveliest atmosphere anywhere. It’s the ideal time for snorkeling or diving here as the water is calm and crystal clear during this time of the year. The Central Highlands are the best place to try – trekking, cycling, bird watching and is cool and mainly dry from December – April.

From July to September are wonderful months for those who prefer the lesser extremes of heat and humidity, but enjoy the odd day of sun basking. This is also the time the plant life, birds and butterflies and not to mention white water rafting are also at their best after the Spring monsoon. The average year-round temperature does not change much, and fluctuates around 26 to 29 degrees Celsius, for more weather details see the climate review.

The monsoon seasons being very distinct, there is always a sunny beach to be found somewhere in the island although Sri Lanka also feels the effects of Global warming  and the weather patterns are very much unpredictable at times where monsoons can be short with very heavy showers or light drizzle all day.

The Deep South and South East Coast now offers great beaches for diving, surfing or setting up a beach camp in a lonely stretch of unspoilt beach, and since tourism here is only just regenerating costs are lower than other locations in the Southern resort towns, best times to visit are from May to September.

If you are looking to escape Christmas and New Year at home, Sri Lanka is perfect and offers many celebratory parties on 25th and 31st. But it gets extremely busy and many of our hotels will take bookings a year in advance.

The North and East have been declared as safe to all tourists since 2009 and we take bookings to these areas though bear in mind that it has a long way to go before it reaches the standards that you’d want, but great beaches all round.

Sri Lanka Tourist Attractions


About SL In Short Version

Full Info Video About Sri Lanka — By Young Asia Television

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