Amazing Ella – For hikers n Nature lovers – 2

Continuing From Ella post 1 ………..

On the way to small tea estate

The below waterfall you ll see when you heading to the small tea estate.Its having a super view and able to go on the fall and sit there for some time.It ll be better that first you are going to the ella mountain and when coming back, for get some rest.


Small bush forest paths
A hut made by coconut leaves

Through a tea estate



Journey to the top through big tree shades


A view point on the way to top

You ll coming to this view point after half of the way of the journey


The final quarter through big trees………….


A Clip about the Way to top

Views on the top


The Top


Im taking my time


After top of the ella mountain dont forget togo to the other view point.Just 10min walk without climbing.

Scenic Views
Scenic Views
Love this Life Style
Scenic Views

The second view point

When you in here able to get a small view of the famous Ravana waterfall from top.


Ravana waterfall from top


The bridge and the road going to Ravana waterfall


Second View point

The Way back down and Relaxing place

When coming back It ll be day time.So for your tasty and for your hunger the below place ll provide you a good taste.Sri lankan foods and big fruit juice glasses.Reasonable prices.Also able to buy fruits too.

This is the waterfall you able to see when you turn your way to small path from the railroad.If its remember you i mention about this on top that here is a great place to get a small rest when you climbing down the ella rock / end of the journey.
Environmental friendly accommodations

Famous Ravana waterfall

On the same day afternoon we went to Ravana waterfall.Took a bus.Just 15-20 min and located 6kms to wellawaya town side on Ella-Wellawaya road.

Someones trying to go up of the fall but keep in mind its dangerous and rocks are very slippery.

On the way to the fall


Vegetable shops

The Nine Arch Bridge

Same day evening It was to the bridge.

Another famous thing you able to see when you in ella.I already put some information about this that how is the better way to do it.Read it about on Ella first post.

This viaduct was built at Gotuwala between the two railway stations – Ella and Demodara during the British Colonial period is the largest in Sri Lanka. Located almost 3100 feet above the sea level, this 99.6ft high bridge is called “Ahas namaye palama” (Nine skies bridge) in Sinhala. When one stands underneath it and looks up there is a beautiful sight of ‘nine skies’ through the nine arches, hence the Sinhala name.


This massive bridge is built entirely of solid rocks, bricks and cement without using a single piece of steel. The bridge was finally commissioned in 1921.

Heading to Ella town by using second way

OkOk……Im Safe 🙂


Ravana Cave @ Ella

The Ravana Ella Cave is located on a cliff close to Ella, 4490ft above sea level and can be visited on a day trip from the villages of Ella or Bandarawela. This cave is part of a tunnel or network of caves said to be connected to the Ravana Ella Waterfall which is more popular with tourists. In the Hindu legend of the Ramayana, it is said that the Demon King of Sri Lanka Ravana lived here for some years. He abducted Princess Sita, wife of the Indian Lord Rama  and kept her trapped here before confining her to the garden of Ashoka Vatika, also close to Ella.

There are 3kms from ella city center to ravana cave temple.

Ravana Cave Temple

Just before the temple you can see the sign for the cave.


 On the way to the cave

Stairs that you need to follow


Views on the way
The cave


Click on the picture for a full view

At the cave

5 thoughts on “Amazing Ella – For hikers n Nature lovers – 2

  1. Hi there 🙂 I’m finding your blog about Sri Lanka really useful. Lots of great tips and advice. Do you know what the weather in Ella is like in August? My partner and I would like to do lots of hiking but read it might be rainy.


    1. Hi….first of all thank you….

      Do you thinking to come next year August? Actually yes.when its August, raining to the hill country side.but you can find good weather days within that time.because its not so bad to there.


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