Amazing Ella – For hikers n Nature lovers – 1

All below pictures n videos taken by a samsung digital cam.

Start ::

Took the morning blue colour powerset train which gonna leave from kandy @8.42am to ella.If you couldn’t take that train there is a nother one @11.03am from kandy.Taking a one of them is better since those trains going on time mostly.Much better if its first one that which gonna leave @8.42am.Beacause usually its going to ella @2.30pm.So on that day evening you can goto little adams peak that which is famous destination in ella.Train ll take usually 6 hours to destination from kandy.


Keep in Mind ::

If you having a some idea that what places to go and what time to go there in ella,its better.Try to avoid sun when you hiking.Then it ll be more enjoyable for you.Always remember  to carry a water bottle or two.You ll definitely gonna need it.In your first day evening do the little adams peak at the evening.Next day very morning like 6am hike the ella mountain.Hiking ella mountain is bit hard.To go up from ella town ll take 3 hours.At the beginning have to walk on the railroad and then through a small tea estate and jungle paths.At the beginning of tea estate and jungle, finding the correct road ll be bit hard.When you entering to smalll paths from the railroad there are local guides boys.You can take a one if you willing to pay some money.They ll guide you to top.We didnt take any guides.

After ella mountain you can goto ravana waterfall and the day evening its possible to go nine arch bridge.There is a train coming @5.15pm as i remember so going to there on that time ll be enjoyable.Seeing the train going on that bridge ll be more interesting.

Also there are two roads togo to bridge.One from ella station and other one from the road that where is little adams peak entrance located.I recommend you to go there first from that the road where is little adams peak entrance located.Because when you going from there, there is a great view point of bridge.Its better when you seeing it from top.Also there is a local house and that guy ll provide you a cup of tea for some little money if u want.

After train leaves climb down to rail road and come to ella station on rail road.In evening coming to ella station by railroad is stunning and enjoyable.On town you can have your dinner.So as i explained atleast two nights in ella ll be need for you.If its 3 nights then it ll be more relaxing journey for you.

After ella you able to come directly to south.For beaches or first national parks and then beaches.

Now Im going to put some pictures about my journey.This was my second time to ella.

Little Adams’ Peak

Road to little Adams’ peak
When Its a foggy day

First day evening we did little adams peak since its just 30 min to go top of the mountain.Totally worthy in the evening.Climate is usually cool there and take your time to go up since there are lot of scenic views on the way.


when you in here the road in the above picture going straightly and there is another one to your right hand side.That one is the road for little adams’ peak.The straight road going to a fancy resort called 98 Acres Resort.

In my first time there I chose the wrong road.Below couple of pictures about that road.

You ll see the little adams’ peak road with a gate near to this board.
The resort cottages
The resort cottages
To resort reception


 On the right way……


The fancy resort

Yep,Its like adams’ peak.You have climb some stairs.


A view of a tea factory


On the way to top
On the way to top

Views on the top

(click on the picture for full images)

In little adams’ peak there are two peaks.The road is not very easy between these two peaks.


A view of Ella mountain between two peaks


Views you can see when you going to last peak.



A view of first peak when on second peak….


Views on the top of second peak

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Someones So happy 😀
At the second peak

Video Clip about views on Top

To the Last Peak

In little adams’ peak there are 4 peaks.Everyone usually going to the second peak.not more than that.But we wanted to try it and its possible to goto end of the 4th peak.

Below picture able to see the 4 peaks.From left its one and the 2,3 and 4.

From Ella Rock
From Ella – Wellawaya Road

The Way to the Last Peak




End of the Last Peak


Ravana Waterfall from End of the Peak

Able to see the ravana fall from little adams’ peak, if you are going to the 4th peak.


Ella Mountain

The next day morning our journey was to the Ella mountain.

Ella mountain trek ll take at least 2 and half hours to go top.First quarter by rail track and then through a small tea estate and a forest.

Rail track journey


Accommodations in Ella


After this bridge you have to change your way into a small road located on your left hand side.Also this bridge is a photo location for most of backpackers.


A view from the rail bridge

Please continue to Ella post 2 …………

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