My Journies ———- Hanthana Hills


Another attractive place you can visit in central province is Hanthana Mountain Range which is near to Kandy. The Hanthana Conservation Forest is another name for the mountain range where you can experience the Sri Lanka’s bio diversity very purely. This is governed by Department of Forest Conservation. Under the National Environmental Act, the Hanthana mountain Range was published as an environmental protection area in 2010. There are 7 mountains in the mountain range and the maximum height is 3800 ft. The highest mountain is known as Uura Kanda. The mountain range is very popular among the mountain hikers in Sri Lanka as well as the foreign visitors. Annually a number of visitors are coming to Hanthana mountain range and collecting beautiful memories for their lives. Don’t forget to bring your camera when you are visiting Hanthana since in there also you can see the glory of the Sri Lanka’s nature. Not only the birds and butterflies but also you can see various types of wild flowers, insects, wild trees and many more things.

infolanka.lk1557123792HanthanaHanthana is starting to spread from Kandy and there are many natural streams which begins to flow from there. Visitors can obviously enjoy these natural streams with pure water. There is a well-known stream which is flowing to Udaperadeniya and University of Peradeniya. The Hanthana mountain range is spacing from Galaha to Kandy by creating a glorious natural wonderland. “Katusukonda” mountain is the most dangerous peak to hike and it is the last of the Hanthana mountain range. It’s better to start hiking the mountain range from Nilambe Meditation Center side and you can complete the adventure tour from Kandy area if you are planning to hike whole mountain range. The peak of the mountain range is obviously consisting with very cold weather with winds. When you reached to the peak, you will see a vast area of the central province and you will realize how beautiful this area is. Annually the local university students are visiting here as their first batch trip and collecting memories for their youth spirits.

hanthana1Cam Used — A Sony type

Mid Range Capturings,,,,for full image click on the the pic

Nestled southwest of the city of Kandy, the Hanthana Mountain range is one such hiking adventure you would always want to go on more than once. Decorated with seven scenic peaks, the trails are known to challenge the most daring of hiker, but a trip can be arranged as part of you Sri Lanka Travel experience.

  • Start the journey as early as possible.
  • leech protection methods to be followed. We didn’t have experience with leeches as we climbed in a dry day.
  • Better wear attire due to thorny bushes.
  • Carrying enough water is a must. No water sources on peaks of the range. Bring at least 1.5liter per a person.
  • No need prior permission to go through peaks where transmission towers are placed. Nobody questions you.
  • We didnt try entire range.just did one day hike.if you going to entire range you ll need two days.
  • There are Several ways to go Hanthana.Lot of ones using the road in Peradeniya campus.but we didnt want to try that way as we Campus students  😉
  • There are seven prominent peaks here. Usually counting starts from Kandy side and the peak where transmission towers placed considered as 1st peak.
  • If you are camping be aware of spread of fire due to wind and dry Mana bushes. Hanthana is a common area of wild fire.
We started from here.took a bus to this place.
We started from here.took a bus to this place.
haa haa,,,,climb up climb up people ))
haa haa,,,,climb up climb up people ))
climbed through this tea estate
climbed through this tea estate
climbed through this tea estate
climbed through this tea estate
To the Transmission peak
To the Transmission peak

There are several Transmission Towers located in Hanthana.TV channels , Communication Towers….

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@ That time Some new Towers going to build
@ That time Some new Towers going to build
OK buddy,,,,Lets goto Capture some Sceneries
OK buddy,,,,Lets goto Capture some Sceneries



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Kandy Main Town From Top There
Kandy Main Town From Top There


Kandy Main Town From Top There
Kandy Main Town From Top There
Lets go BAByieee :P
Lets go BAiByieee 😛



Photo genic of the group story was like this Maan ,i want to change my profile pic in (some social media)take a super shot,,,,, this goood?take it take it!!!:P
Photo genic of the group
story was like this
Maan ,i want to change my profile pic in (some social media)take a super shot,,,,,….is this goood?take it take it!!! 😀
Lets go Further More....!!!
Lets go Further More….!!!


Person A : lets stay some time here person B : yeh man,,so thirsty......... person C : u fat asses , drank all the water...lets go PeeeeeP before it evening PeeeeeP The rest is history :D
Person A : lets stay some time here
person B : yeh man,,so thirsty………
person C : u fat asses , drank all the water…lets go PeeeeeP before it evening PeeeeeP
The rest was history 😀


We didnt try the last peak as it was one day hike.

You can see the Last peak in this pic
The Last Peak
The Last Peak
The Last Peak

Now we were in the middle of our hike.Climbing up is over from here.

and this is the place usually doing a one day hike.

Going Down through the Rock….


Entering to Bushes
Story --- hey take another one me : What,Here?
Story — hey take another one
me : What , Here?


Stayed Some Time In here….it was so nice and cool Weather….and nice place to take your lunch





Going out through the forest
Going out through the forest

When You coming out from forest you facing a beautiful tea estate………

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Climbing Down……….

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when on the way you ll enter to a nice forest………..

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Unearth the rich biodiversity of the area also called the Hanthana Conservation Forest. The highest of all the peaks is Uura Kanda and comes across as a picturesque setting for viewers to encounter wild flowers and colourful butterflies. With gusty winds and chilly weather throughout the year, a hike to Katusukonda which is the final chapter of the mountain range will prove to be quite entertaining.


Finally Hit Some Fresh Water after climb down completely from the mountain and got refreshed everyone before heading to kandy main city 🙂


Hanthana Video — Are You Like To do a Hike??

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